Thursday 6 March 2014

Final Double Page Spread

Final Contents Page

Final Front Cover

Powerpoint Evaluation

Double Page Spread Draft

Contents Page Draft

Target Audience

•The target audience for my magazine is aimed at mainly teenagers between the ages of 15 to 20 and individuals who enjoy listening to the genre of rock music. My magazine will mainly be aimed at students who would be interested in going to the gigs of the type of artists featured in the articles, therefore they might be interested in this type of magazine.

Design Brief

·         Based on my research, I have decided that the masthead for my magazine must be big and bold to attract attention from the magazine.

·         I will also have plenty of information on the front cover as having lots of information appears to interest more people than not having as much.

·         The overall layout of my magazine will be not too messy but will not be very neat as my research shows this will attract more attention.

·         The colour scheme of my magazine will be a typical rock magazine colour scheme as I will mainly use black, red and white.

·         The text featured on my front cover will be straight and perfectly aligned instead of slanted so that it makes it easier from the reader the read.

·         The mode of address will be friendly, with a combination a chatty and loud tone, so that the reader is invited in to read the magazine.

·         The layout for the text will be a clear neat layout so that it is easy to read.

·         I will use lots of images on the magazine, not just text so that it looks more interesting and appealing to the reader.


Survey: Questions and Graphs

1. What type of fonts would attract your attention? Bold, large, small, plain or colourful?

2. Would you prefer a front cover packed with information or a simple cover that doesn’t have much text?

3. Would you prefer a neat or messy overall layout?

4. Would you be drawn to a magazine with a bold large title or a smaller simple one?

5. What sort of colour scheme could be used to get your attention?

6. Would you prefer it if the text was all perfectly aligned or would it not matter if it was a bit more unorganised?

7. What type of tone would you prefer the magazine to have? Eg. Formal, informal, chatty, loud, friendly?

8. Are you more likely to take interest in a contents page with a clear neat layout for the text or one that is slightly messier?

9. Would a page with lots of images persuade you to take an interest and read on?

10. Do you think the use of bold colours on a contents page would overcrowd the page or would it simply attract attention?

11. Would the use of big bold numbers to show what’s what on a contents page interest you in reading each article?