Tuesday 25 February 2014

Kerrang Double Page Spread Analysis

The connotations from the front cover of Kerrang are continued from the front cover to this particular double page spread as it is the main feature of the magazine. These connotations include how the circles projecting from the middle of the page and the use of the megaphone suggest the loud, noisy tone, just as they did on the front cover. Throughout the feature article the circles and megaphone are continuously used to carry on this connotation, therefore appealing to the target audience who would be interested in this type of music. Furthermore the style and colour scheme from the front cover too these pages is fairly similar as they have still used bright, bold vibrant colours that stand out although they have used slightly different background colours. A plain block coloured background has not been used, drawing attention to the page and making it look more fun and interesting. The use of the bright bold yellow text contrasts with the purple and pink background and highlights the key points that are most likely to draw attention and interest the reader, for example the band name and the band members name. The colours that have been used contrast well with the black clothing and hair of the artist featured on the first page as they are opposites. The bold white text has also been used with a similar purpose of contrasting with the background. There has been no black text used, so all the colours used are bright and colourful, again contrasting with the colours of the photograph and making both the text and the photograph look more vibrant and more appealing. 

The use of the drop caps makes the beginning of the text more eye catching, especially that the same yellow bold font that has been used for the band name and band member name has been used for each one. Smaller drop caps have been used throughout the rest of the article for the same purposes but are not used very often so don’t necessarily break up the text very much, however the text has been aligned into columns which does in fact help to break up the text so the reader is more likely to continue to read on. Much like the connotations that are similar to the front cover, the first page of the article only features the main band member suggesting importance; this could also suggest that the reader is most likely to know this band member more than they would the others so could have been done to attract attention. The use of the pull quotes on both page 2 and 3 have been used to gain interest from the reader and persuading the reader to read the full article, the typography used is a bold, thick font that has been used in white and yellow as these colours stand out well.

On the second pages of the feature, the text has been wrapped around the photograph of the main band member Kellin but has been placed on top of the photograph of the rest of the band; this could also suggest his importance. Whereas, on the third page the main photograph is of the whole band together and the text has been wrapped around all of them suggesting that this particular page is not all just about him, that it focuses on the whole band. The mode of address has a more friend-like tone with the reader; this is shown by the frequent use of course language. This suggests that Kerrang is trying to appeal to younger audience. The content of the text isn’t very serious and conveys more of a chatty, informal conversational tone towards the reader.

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