Tuesday 25 February 2014

Metal Hammer Front Cover Analysis

The feature article photograph is placed in front of the masthead giving the impression that the photograph is the main focus of the magazine and that the magazine may be well known. There is not much use of text on the front cover linking in with the idea to draw most of the attention onto the man in the photograph. The three main colours used in the feature article photograph are black, blue and white. The colour scheme that has been used for the text is red and white which are both bold eye-catching colours that contrast with the dark background of the stage in the photograph. The typography that has been used is a thick bold font which combined with the bright colours, attracts the attention of the reader drawing in people to buy the magazine. A bold red font has been used for the masthead that is not one solid block colour as it has slightly darker patches of colour in it which gives a slightly rough edge to the text. The word ‘metal’ appears to be cut out of the letter H in hammer so is shown in black from the dark background, this also gives a rough edge to the masthead. The plug at the top of the cover is bright white instead of red like all the other text therefore draws attention to itself and therefore the magazine as a whole.
There is only one member of the band ‘Metallica’ out of 4, suggesting that he is the most important member as he is the only one featured on the cover. The overall appearance of the main member in the feature article photograph gives off a rock vibe to the magazine as he appears to be playing guitar on stage in front of a crowd. His facial expression suggests he is singing/shouting out the words giving the impression that the music he is playing must be loud and noisy. Also, he is wearing all black which adds to the dark rock vibe of the cover, this colour also makes the text colour they have used stand out. The band members’ left hand is very slightly blurred compared to the rest of the image as he is playing the guitar suggesting the fast pace at which he is playing the song, also suggesting the song is upbeat and loud. The position of the man also suggests that he is moving at a fast pace and that he is moving quickly because of the loud upbeat music therefore is not just standing still in the same place.

The use of the glowing bright white on the guitar and the cross contrasts with the dark setting of the photograph and the cross links in with the ‘The heavy metal bible’ suggesting that the magazine to rock music fans is what the bible is to religious people. This idea also emphasises the importance and how sacred the magazine is to rock fans, suggesting that they must buy it if it’s as important as the bible. Although dark colours have been used, the glowing light furthermore brightens the photograph as a whole, making it stand out more and giving it a glow that may be more noticeable against other magazines.

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