Tuesday 25 February 2014

Kerrang Front Cover Analysis

The feature article photograph is positioned in front of the masthead at the top of the front cover suggesting that the magazine is well known so doesn’t need to show the name of the magazine as much as other magazines would that aren’t very well known. The position of the man in the middle of the photograph has connotations that he is the main person in the band and is of most importance. Likewise, the use of the megaphone suggests the idea of sirens and loud noises, this idea is also suggested by the circles that are projected from the middle of the page echoing the volume of noise coming out of the megaphone. The facial expression shown also shown by the main person links in with the idea that they are trying to create the impression of a loud noisy environment as it looks like he is shouting. This appeals to the target audience as it is aimed at individuals who are into listening to loud rock music. This target audience would also be drawn to the bold vibrant colours used throughout the front cover. The tone of the magazine gives the overall impression that the magazine is packed with information about all the bands that are featured on the front cover due to the lack of use of negative space as the page is very overcrowded and filled up with photographs, text and colour.

The style of the magazine is made to be very eye catching due to the use of colour and layout. The colour scheme of this issue of Kerrang! is mainly red, yellow white and black. The use of the colours red and yellow make the cover stand out as they are both bold vibrant colours so draws in attention to the magazine. The use of the plug ‘Revealed! Fall out boy’s secret album!’ is used to draw in the reader to make it sound as if no one else knows and to try to convince people to buy the magazine to find out more about their secret album. The font that has been used is mainly the same, which is bold capital letters which also creates the impression of loud noises and shouting. This is also shown by the continuous use of exclamation marks on a lot of the text on the front cover. The masthead also has an exclamation mark and has a jagged, ripped look to it adding to the loud noisy tone of the magazine.


Besides the feature article photograph there are three other smaller images featured on the cover, this gives you more information on the bands and information inside the magazine but does not draw focus from the main band as it stands out a lot more. The majority of people on the cover of the magazine are wearing black, linking in with the colour scheme so it mixes in well with the rest of the cover. The alignment of the text has not all been set flush left or flush right it has a mixture of both with some text going across the middle of the page therefore is a lot more eye catching. The text also is not set on a straight line and is slightly wonky expressing a care free, informal attitude suggesting that the reader will not care how the magazine looks as if they are only interested in the thing that is most important, the music. Overall this magazine gives off an impression that it is for readers who are interested in loud up-beat music and bands.

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