Tuesday 25 February 2014

NME Contents Page Analysis

The NME contents page’s house style has a good, neat layout as it is set out in set columns and clearly shows which photographs link with which pages. It has good use of grammar and spelling which sets a more formal tone to it. Each main feature is clearly shown with an image, small description and page number. The page number is the only text in a bold red colour drawing the reader to the individual sections therefore standing out from the plain black coloured text. The use of an image for each feature attracts attention to each section and persuades the reader to take an interest in each of the articles. Mostly the font is in capital letters so stand out and the page only seems to have had 2 fonts used so that it is not too in your face but still draws the right amount of attention to it, it is simple but effective. A plain white background has been used so that the main focus is on the individual features and does not overcrowd the clear, simple layout of the page. Also, by using a plain background, the reader will not be distracted by the background and can focus on what’s important about the page.

The title of the contents page is the largest boldest font used on the page showing its importance, it also draws attention so that it will be the first thing the reader looks at. A lot of the text is also in bold suggesting that these certain features have a higher status, whereas there is some text that is not in bold suggesting it is not quite as important to the other features that are in bold. Most of the sections include a pull quote from the artist featured in the article, this may have been done to give a taster of the article to the reader whilst persuading them to take an interest and continue to read on with the magazine. Most of the pull quotes are the text in bold, this links in with the suggestion that the text in bold is of more importance.

A filler has been used in the right had corner to advertise the reader to subscribe to NME magazine. The advertisement is in a bold red box attracting attention, it most likely has been advertised actually inside the cover of an NME magazine as if they have already bought one of their magazines, they are most likely to buy more so the advertisement is used to attract their target audience into buying more of their magazines.  The bright red colour also contrasts well with the plain white background of the page.

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